Entries by Garmo & Garmo, LLP

What New Parents Need to Know About Estate Planning

Becoming a parent is a joyous and fulfilling experience, but it also comes with new responsibilities and considerations, especially when it comes to planning for your family’s future. Taking proactive steps now can provide peace of mind and secure a stable financial future for your loved ones. An accomplished estate planning attorney can assist you […]

Tenant Rights During a Commercial Property Sale

When a commercial property is sold in California, tenants often face uncertainty and concern about how the sale will impact their business operations and lease agreements. By carefully reviewing your lease agreement, staying informed about changes in ownership, and obtaining sound legal advice and representation, you can protect your interests and continue to operate your […]

How to Recover Full and Fair Compensation after a Car Accident in California

Car accidents can be life-altering, resulting in devastating injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. After an auto accident that resulted from someone else’s negligence, you don’t just need medical support. You also deserve to recover compensation for your current and future income losses, prolonged pain and suffering, and any other damages. A seasoned car accident […]

Why Empty Nesters Need a New Estate Plan?

The departure of children from the family home marks a significant life transition. While adjusting to an “empty nest” may bring newfound freedom and opportunities, it also underscores the need for a reassessment of financial and estate planning goals. An experienced attorney can assist you in updating your estate plans to reflect your evolving circumstances […]

Legal Concerns When Converting Commercial to Residential Spaces

California, with a population exceeding 39 million, faces a housing shortage that has led to an escalation in home prices. Converting commercial properties to residential use in some cases was allowed by the state in 2022. Based on this, it’s easier said than done. Zoning laws, building codes, environmental regulations, and community engagement require careful […]

Conditional Gifting: What Is It and How to Use It in Your Estate Planning

Estate planning involves careful consideration of how to distribute your assets after you are gone. Conditional gifting is a strategy that allows you to leave assets to your beneficiaries with certain conditions attached. These conditions can vary widely depending on your preferences and goals for your estate.  With an experienced estate planning lawyer on your […]

Mitigating Disputes: Essential Clauses to Include in a Residential Lease

A comprehensive and well-drafted residential lease agreement can help mitigate potential disputes between landlords and tenants. Both parties can enjoy a smoother and more harmonious leasing experience by including essential clauses that address common areas of contention. To stay compliant with the law and avoid any mistakes that could put you at a serious disadvantage, […]

The Impact of Personal Injuries on Family Members and Caregivers

Personal injuries not only affect the victim but also have an impact on their family members and caregivers. Beyond the physical pain and emotional trauma experienced by the injured individual, the ripple effects extend to their loved ones who often find themselves charting unfamiliar territory. By obtaining professional legal help and communicating openly, families can […]