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Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality legal service.
Our promise IS to respond promptly - usually within the hour!

Over 100 Years Of
Combined Experience

(619) 441-2500

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Over 10 decades of experience representing our clients.

Business Law
in La Mesa

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Get in touch with our knowledgeable staff today.

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Estate planning is not just for the wealthy – it is for everyone.

Plan for Your
Future Needs

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We have successfully represented thousands of clients.

Integrity, Results

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Our team of experienced and compassionate attorneys
can help guide you through the stressful process.

Divorce Lawyers
in La Mesa

  • Over 70 Years Of Combined Experience

    Our goal is to provide you with the best quality of legal services. Our promise IS to respond promptly – usually within the hour!

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  • Business Law in San Diego County

    Over two decades of experience representing our clients.

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  • Schedule A Free Confidential Consultation

    Get in touch with our knowledgeable staff today.

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  • Plan for Your Future Needs

    Estate planning is not just for the wealthy – it is for everyone

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  • Schedule A Free Confidential Consultation

    Get in touch with our knowledgeable staff today.

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  • Fairness, Integrity, Results

    We have successfully represented thousands of clients.

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  • Divorce Lawyers in La Mesa

    Our team of experienced and compassionate attorneys can help guide you through the stressful process.

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What Our Clients Say

Meet Your Legal Team

Members of our staff are fluent in English, Arabic, Chaldean, and Spanish. We also have access to interpreters should one be needed. Finally, members of our staff are certified notary public.

Recent Case Results

Dedicated to Fairness, Integrity and Results


For trusted legal advice from a team of experienced, local attorneys, look no further than Garmo & Garmo, LLP. You can count on us for all your legal needs—business and personal.

Helping you protect your family, estate, business and freedom

We provide personalized service while managing the most complex and contentious disputes with the utmost discretion.

Garmo & Garmo, LLP represents individuals, families, and businesses in need of expert advocacy in civil and criminal proceedings, from your initial legal question or concern through trial, if necessary. If you have suffered a personal injury in an automobile accident, we can help you obtain fair compensation. If you are starting a business, we can help you structure your company and represent you in business transactions. If you are buying, selling, or leasing property, we can review and negotiate your real estate contracts. If you are facing divorce or planning your estate, we can help you protect your assets. Focused on providing extraordinarily personal and efficient service, our attorneys strive for a prompt conclusion to client matters consistent with each client’s identified goals.

We’re Here to Assist You


At Garmo & Garmo, LLP, our legal team is here to assist you. Our friendly staff is experienced and can help you to accomplish your goals. Our attorney’s, paralegals, law clerks, and staff use a network system which allows easy access to client information, and allows our office to communicate and work together more efficiently.

Associations & Accolades

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